Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Helen Kathleen Howitt (nee Batterham) - My Mother

On the Sunday morning after Kath's death I went to sit with her coffin, as she and I had done with my father's in 1985, before it was taken away for cremation. I made up some flowers from our garden and our neighbour's, and I took along a number of photos of her in her prime.

Several people said they might come, but in the event no-one made it, so it was just me and the funeral director - and the music from "Simply Worship II". It was better that way because it helped me to retain my composure.

Her coffin was closed, and the man asked me if I would like it opened but I said "no". I'd said my farewell to her body in early hours of the morning before and now all I wanted to do was try and remember her as she used to be. The array of photos on the coffin was a start towards getting my mind back to my real mother. Ten years is a long time.

This was my farewell:

"Dear Kath,
I have come today to say farewell and pay my respects to your earthly body before it is returned to the cycle of creation. You don't need this body anymore because you now have a beautiful spiritual body, without pain or blemish, and you are flying with the angels and souls in God's kingdom. May the joy and peace of God which passeth all understanding, surround you for eternity, and may you live in the house of the Lord forever." 


The following Friday we had an afternoon tea for Kath at the hospital. It was a wonderful exchange of support and reminiscences. I took the photos along because I knew most of the staff had only ever seen her as a fragile little lady whose mind was gone. I told them about her past - her skill with figures and accounts, the positions she'd held in different companies and the help she had been to both my dad and me with house building and managing the land and the stock.

They were amazed, at the photos especially. In return I got some valuable reminiscences about her. The bulding manager recalled my father being admitted there in one of the crises of his illness. He remembered driving my dad's Fiat X19 with my mom as a passenger (she couldn't drive) down to the village to do some errands. He made the point how very friendly and lady-like she was. I loved that. She came from a good family and she knew how to behave and how to treat people right. I hope some of that rubbed off on me - it's been a dying quality in the world lately.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reverse Gangrene and The Carer

All of us who have handled Alzheimers in our parents are very much aware of the possibility of inheriting it. I have said many times over recent years that I've dealt with this disease once in my life, and I do NOT want to be called upon to deal with it again - in the 1st person. For that reason, I'm trying to implement for myself as much as possible the Reverse Gangrene dietary recommendations.

When you look at the diet our original hunter-gatherer ancestors must have lived on, there's no doubt that we have come a very long way from it in a relatively short time - and it's all downhill. It probably wouldn't hurt any of us to return to that style of diet as much as possible. It's also likely to cost us less - especially if we are able to grow our own veggies.

It's not an "easy" diet - it doesn't pander to our depraved appetites (especially when it comes to sugar). BUT - no pain, no gain.

By way of confirmation, the Reverse Gangrene principles are very similar to the diet recommended by another highly respected online health expert - Dr Joseph Mercola MD.

And for good measure, you will find some vey interesting reading along the same lines in a brilliant website authored by John B. Symes, D.V.M., a veterinarian with over 28 years of clinical experience who has some important insights into why our health and the health of our pets has deteriorated in the last few decades.

While you are on Dr Mercola's site, type "green china tea" into his search box and you will find that's another thing that's said to be good for Alzheimers Disease. You'll recall I did feed it to my mom, but I think in her case it was too little, too late ...

Finally, I'd like to make one personal observation. Contrary to what one might expect, I've actually found I feel far LESS hungry once I drop all the grains out of my diet than I do when eating wheat or even rice. I substitute sunflower seeds and sesame seeds - both of which are very good for you, and once I've cleared the grains from my system, I find my digestion feels much more at peace and I'm not hankering for food all the time.

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